Tag Archives: Innovarx

Creative Collaborations: Bringing Next-Gen Alzheimer’s Tech to West Africa

One of the words that gets thrown around so much at StartUp Health that you might get tired of hearing it is ‘collaboration.’ We say it a lot. However, you’ll only get sick of the word if you think it’s just startup jargon or lip service. But at StartUp Health that’s just not the case.

StartUp Health was designed from day one to promote a collaborative ecosystem in health innovation. For more than a decade we’ve been bringing like-minded founders together to learn from each other and support each other. It can be lonely out there as a founder, and StartUp Health has made it a top priority to connect people in meaningful ways. So that companies can grow faster, yes. But also so that founders survive and thrive in the face of the day-to-day grind of entrepreneurship.

We say all of that because it explains why our StartUp Health NOW guests today resonate so much for our team. David Nguyen, PhD, CEO & Co-founder of BrainScanology, and Ismail Badjie, PharmD, CEO & Founder of Innovarx Global Health, are from two very different health sectors – and two very different regions of the world. But they met at a StartUp Health event. And because they were fellow Health Transformers they knew they shared certain values. That prompted a connection and a conversation, which then allowed them to leapfrog into a business partnership.

In the interview we’ll get into how they met and what they’re building together to help patients thrive into old age in West Africa. And we’ll also talk about the role of creative collaborations in achieving audacious health moonshot goals. Enjoy!

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These Two StartUp Health Entrepreneurs Are Driving Down Healthcare Costs

This episode is part of our monthly Health Moonshot series. Last month it was all about mental health, today, we’re talking about founders and companies creating new ways to drive down healthcare costs. Ismail Badjie, CEO & Co-founder of Innovarx, has built a conglomerate of healthcare services including multiple brick and mortar stores, an e-commerce business, a global telemedicine platform, and a mobile clinical unit called, “Wellness on Wheels,” all formed to become the primary clinical service company in The Gambia. Bill Nordmark, CEO of Aver, has developed a purpose-built single instance, multitenant, HITRUST certified platform that supports payers to design and implement value-based contracts.
Entrepreneurs: How to get investment from StartUp Health startuphealth.com

Investors: How to invest in StartUp Health Moonshots healthmoonshots.com
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