Tag Archives: Unity Stoakes

#190: David Weingard, CEO & Founder, Fit4D

David Weingard, CEO & Founder, Fit4D, chats with President of StartUp Health, Unity Stoakes
WATCH MORE NOW EPISODES: https://www.startuphealth.com/startup-health-now

Location: NYU Langone Health Tech Symposium in New York, NY

#189: Daniel Penn, Tickit Health

Daniel Penn, Co-founder, Tickit Health, chats with President of StartUp Health, Unity Stoakes
WATCH MORE NOW EPISODES: https://www.startuphealth.com/startup-health-now
Location: Health 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, CA

#188: Dave deBronkart, e-Patient Dave

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Dave deBronkart, Founder, e-Patient Dave, chats with Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health, at Health 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, CA.
WATCH MORE NOW EPISODES: https://www.startuphealth.com/marketing/videos/now

#187: Mitesh Rao, MD, MHS, System Patient Safety Officer, Stanford Healthcare

Mitesh Rao, MD, MHS, System Patient Safety Officer, Stanford Healthcare, talks with President of StartUp Health, Unity Stoakes.
WATCH MORE NOW EPISODES: https://www.startuphealth.com/marketing/videos/now
Location: Health 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, CA

#186: Jakob Dahlber CEO & Co – Founder, Arthro

Jakob Dahlberg, CEO & Co-founder, Arthro, chats with Unity Stoakes, President of StartUp Health
WATCH MORE NOW EPISODES: https://www.startuphealth.com/startup-health-now
Location: Health 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, CA

#175: Verily’s Commitment to Improving Global Health: Jessica Mega, MD, Verily Life Sciences

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Jessica Mega, M.D., M.P.H., Chief Medical Officer, Verily Life Sciences, talks to Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health. They discussed her journey as a doctorpreneur, and how Verily, and other large organizations, are committed to solving big challenges in healthcare.

Watch this and more here: https://www.startuphealth.com/marketing/videos/no

#174: Fail Fast, Fail Cheap in Drug Discovery: Naheed Kurji, Cyclica

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Naheed Kurji, ‎President & CEO, Cyclica, talks to Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health. He shared Cyclica’s moonshot and how they are helping scientists more efficiently discover safer and more effective medicines by using data and AI in extraordinary ways.
Watch here: https://www.startuphealth.com/marketing/videos/now

#170: Bringing the Magic and Wonder Back to Health: Vas Narasimhan, MD, Novartis

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Vas Narasimhan, MD of Novartis talks to Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health. They discuss his vision for the pharmaceutical company and his thoughts on bringing the magic and wonder back to health.
Watch here: https://healthtransformer.co/bringing-the-magic-and-wonder-back-to-health-42b22d65535a

#168: Building a Balanced Model for Healthcare: Rasu Shrestha, Chief Innovation Officer, UPMC

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Rasu Shrestha, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, UPMC, chats with Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health, about the innovation strategies at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and how these new technologies and capabilities are creating a newer and improved model for healthcare.
Watch here: https://healthtransformer.co/building-a-balanced-model-for-healthcare-59930b62f7dc

Guest: Rasu Shrestha, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, UPMC
Host: Unity Stoakes, President, StartUp Health
Location: Health 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, CA.

#167: A Holistic Approach to Improving Health: ErinMcCloskey, CEO and Co-founder, E=mc2nolimits…

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Erin McCloskey, CEO & Co-founder, E=mc2 no limits…., chats with Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health, about their commitment to achieving the Happiness & Mental Health Moonshot, their holistic approach to health and wellness and it’s lifestyle management program, “The Trifecta Core Health Initiative.”
Watch here: https://healthtransformer.co/a-holistic-approach-to-achieving-the-happiness-mental-health-moonshot-99a3b943cb12

Guest: Erin McCloskey, E=mc2 no limits…
Host: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
Location: Health 2.0 conference, Santa Clara, California