#60: Innovating Healthcare Within Government – Susannah Fox, HHS

Susannah Fox, CTO at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, talks about the many programs and initiatives within HHS; and inspiring entrepreneurs to focus on innovating within underserved communities.
GUEST: Susannah Fox, HHS
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: StartUp Health Village, New York, NY
The Role of CTO Within Government
Inspiring Entrepreneurs to Serve Our Country Through Healthcare Innovation
Invent Health

#59: Disruption in Healthcare = Opportunities for Venture Capitalists – Leslie Bottorff, GE Ventures

Leslie Bottorff, Managing Director of Healthcare at GE Ventures, sits down with Unity Stoakes to discuss being a VC in the healthcare sector and the exciting future of healthcare innovations.
GUEST: Leslie Bottorff, GE Ventures
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Santa Clara, CA

From Building Companies to the Venture Side
GE Ventures’ Strategy
Partnering With StartUp Health to Focus on Early-Stage Startups

#58: Building Brands by Promoting Wellness: JD Cassidy, Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness

JD Cassidy, Managing Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, discusses the company’s unique perspective to branding, with an emphasis on the role that emotion plays in wellness and decision making.
GUEST: JD Cassidy, Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: StartUp Health Village, New York, NY

The Mission of Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness
Companies Focusing on Wellness
Entrepreneurial Advice: Product Building & Brand Building Go Hand in Hand
The SSW Women, Wellness and Tech Study

#57: Open Data’s Potential in Healthcare – Andy Krackov, CHCF

Andy Krackov, Associate Director of External Engagement at California HealthCare Foundation, discusses the tremendous potential open data has to raise awareness, change policy and impact behavior change – and how CHCF is involved with this change.

GUEST: Andy Krackov, California HealthCare Foundation
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Fall 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA

The Mission of California HealthCare Foundation
Importance of Open Data
Focusing on the Last Step of the Process

#56: Facilitating Behavior Change Globally – Pablo Pantaleoni, Medtep

Pablo Pantaleoni, CEO & Co-founder of Medtep, discusses how his company’s global strategy, core team and “no pilots” rule is creating a business to facilitate lasting behavioral change around the world.

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GUEST: Pablo Pantaleoni, Medtep
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Fall 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA

The Mission of Medtep
Medtep’s Global Strategy
Collaborations in a Maturing Market

#55: Technology to Improve Doctor-Patient Communication – Henry Kane, MedXCom

Henry Kane, President and CEO of MedXCom, discusses the challenges of doctor and patient communication and the company’s mission to transform and improve connectivity.

#54: Embracing Entrepreneurship – Dr. Toby Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic President & CEO, Dr. Toby Cosgrove, discusses the transformation of healthcare through the adoption of virtual visits, finding new technologies and Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.

GUEST: Dr Toby Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic
HOST: Steven Krein
LOCATION: Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit 2015 – Cleveland, Ohio
Remote Healthcare Monitoring
Finding New Technologies

#53: Building a Great Business Model – David Weingard, Fit4D

David Weingard, CEO and founder of Fit4D discusses the world of diabetes innovation, focusing on a great business model, and lessons learned while raising your A‑round.

GUEST: David Weingard, Fit4D
HOST: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: WCG Offices – New York, NY

Fit4D: The Story
The World of Diabetes Innovation
Lessons Learned While Raising Your Series A

#52: Driving Consumer Health: Home Care & Diagnostics – Willem Houck, ClariFlow

StartUp Health NOW! #52: Driving Consumer Health: Home Care & Diagnostics – Willem Houck, ClariFlow

Willem Houck, CEO and Founder of IDx Ventures’ ClariFlow, talks about a major global problem affecting the male population — enlarged prostate — and the opportunities to affect behavior change in a positive way through private home screenings. He also discusses spotting innovative technology within large organizations and ways to leverage those solutions.

GUEST: Willem Houck, ClariFlow
HOST: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: WCG Offices – New York, NY

Consumer Driven Health Care and Home Diagnostics: Two Important Trends
The Genesis of ClariFlow
Finding an Internal Champion

#51: Announcing StartUp Health Finland – Eero Toivainen, Finpro

Team Finland Health and Finpro Program Director, Eero Toivainen, discusses the digital health landscape in Finland, why the country is a hotbed for health innovation and the exciting announcement of StartUp Health Finland!

GUEST: Eero Toivainen, Finpro
HOST: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Fall 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA

The Digital Health Landscape in Finland
StartUp Health Finland
Finland: A Hotbed for Health Innovation