Tag Archives: Microsoft

Inside the Health Moonshot Impact Board: A Conversation with Microsoft & the ADA on Global Health Innovation

This StartUp Health NOW episode features two key members of StartUp Health’s Health Moonshot Impact Board: Kimmi Grewal and Chuck Henderson.

Kimmi Grewal, Microsoft:

  • Learn how Microsoft helps startups scale globally, tackle security challenges, and leverage AI.
  • Discover how Kimmi’s experience informs StartUp Health’s approach to supporting early-stage healthcare ventures.

Chuck Henderson, American Diabetes Association:

  • Explore how Chuck’s leadership is shaping StartUp Health’s vision for tackling metabolic disorders.
  • Gain insights into the power of collaboration between established organizations and healthcare startups.

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re interested in healthcare innovation.
  • You’re curious about the role of collaboration in tackling health challenges.
  • You want to learn from inspiring leaders in the healthcare space.

Get ready to be inspired by the future of healthcare!

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.

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FundersBecome a Health Moonshot Champion

The Future of Health Innovation With Microsoft’s Dr. David Rhew

This week on the podcast, we’re bringing you a conversation with Dr. David Rhew, the Chief Medical Officer & Vice President of Healthcare at Microsoft. In this interactive session, Dr. Rhew broke down Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare and explained how the broader suite of Microsoft tools – from natural language processing to using Teams for telehealth – can help healthcare startups scale more quickly. Bottom line? If a startup wants to move quickly, don’t reinvent the wheel. The infrastructure you need might already exist in the marketplace. Finally, we learned specifics on how startups can partner with Microsoft directly. This interactive Fireside Chat was hosted by StartUp Health’s Media Director Logan Plaster in front of a live audience of founders from the StartUp Health portfolio.

Entrepreneurs: How to get investment from StartUp Health startuphealth.com

Investors: How to invest in StartUp Health Moonshots healthmoonshots.com
Want more content like this? You can subscribe to the podcast as well as other health innovation updates at startuphealth.com/content.
Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

StartUp Health Festival Fireside Chat: Year of the Nurse

Kristi Henderson, DNP and Clinical Operations Leader of Amazon, Molly McCarthy, RN and Chief Nursing Officer and National Director of US Health, Microsoft, and Lynda Moyer, Technology Strategist, chat with SEE YOU NOW Host, Shawna Butler, on the main stage of the StartUp Health Festival in San Francisco. January 13, 2020.

Moderated by: Shawna Butler, RN and Host of the SEE YOU NOW Podcast

Entrepreneurs: How to get investment from StartUp Health https://www.startuphealth.com/
Investors: How to invest in StartUp Health Moonshots http://www.healthmoonshots.com

Want more content like this? You can subscribe to the podcast as well as other health innovation updates at startuphealth.com/content. Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.