Tag Archives: Health Moonshot Impact Board

Inside the Impact Board: How Katya Hancock Supports Youth Wellbeing in the Digital Age

This week on StartUp Health NOW, we explore youth wellbeing in the digital age with Katya Hancock, Founding Executive Director of Young Futures and a member of StartUp Health’s Health Moonshot Impact Board.

After 10 years as part of the StartUp Health executive team, Hancock brings her experience to this innovative non-profit focused on helping young people thrive online. We’ll move beyond the “screen time villain” narrative and explore real solutions for navigating the digital world’s tensions. We’ll discuss Young Futures’ first million-dollar funding challenge, tackling loneliness, social connection, and wellbeing. Inspired by the Surgeon General’s call to action, they’re empowering youth-led efforts alongside established organizations.

  • Focus on Youth Wellbeing: Young Futures aims to improve youth wellbeing and mental health, especially in marginalized communities. The organization seeks to shift the narrative from focusing on challenges to providing practical solutions.
  • Innovative Support for Nonprofits: The organization hosts funding challenges to support innovative nonprofits working to improve youth well-being. The first challenge, called The Lonely Hearts Club, focused on addressing loneliness and social connection.
  • Building a Collaborative Ecosystem: Like StartUp Health, Young Futures brings together grantees in an ecosystem to collaborate and support each other. This approach helps create a stronger network of organizations working towards common goals.
  • Real-World Applications: Examples of supported organizations include Hip Hop Into Learning, which helps kids express themselves and find community through hip hop, and Sesame 3G, which connects seniors, teens, and preschoolers for mentoring and social-emotional learning.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Hancock emphasizes the importance of addressing the digital tension young people face and providing them with the tools to navigate the digital world healthily. She also discusses the need for nonprofit leaders to adopt practices from the for-profit startup world, such as long-term goal setting and effective communication with funders.
  • Supporting StartUp Health: Hancock expresses her commitment to ensuring young people are part of the conversation in healthcare. She appreciates StartUp Health’s model and media presence, which can help raise awareness about youth mental health and integrate it into broader health discussions.
  • Personal Insights and Future Goals: Hancock shares her personal journey and how her work with StartUp Health and Young Futures has influenced her views on technology and parenting. She envisions Young Futures becoming more of an entertaining media company to engage and support young people effectively.

Join us for a dive into the future of youth and technology!

If you’re interested in the latest on how to help teens thrive in the digital age
, follow the Young Futures Newsletter and their LinkedIn page. 

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.

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Inside the Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board: Fostering Collaboration for Alzheimer's Innovation

Gates Ventures’ Aishu Sukumar Is Fostering Collaboration on StartUp Health’s Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board

Breaking Down Silos for Alzheimer’s Innovation: A Conversation with Aishu Sukumar of Gates Ventures

This episode of StartUp Health NOW welcomes Aishu Sukumar of Gates Ventures in another in our series of conversations with our Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board.

  • A champion for collaboration: Explore Sukumar’s vision for leveraging data and fostering collaboration among Alzheimer’s innovators.
  • From research scientist to moonshot leader: Discover Sukumar’s unique career path that bridges science, business, and healthcare, taking her from Harvard Medical School and Berkeley to working at startups and then to Gates Ventures.
  • The power of a Health Moonshot Community: Learn how this initiative is uniting innovators to accelerate progress against Alzheimer’s.

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re passionate about finding a cure for Alzheimer’s.
  • You believe in the power of collaboration in tackling complex challenges.
  • You’re curious about the journeys of inspiring healthcare leaders.

Want even more about Alzheimer’s disease innovation?

Join us as we explore how Aishu Sukumar’s diverse background is shaping the future of Alzheimer’s research as a member of our Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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Inside the Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board: This Health Moonshot Community Inspires Optimism

Why Dr. Craig Ritchie Brings Optimism to StartUp Health’s Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board

This episode of StartUp Health NOW challenges your perception of Alzheimer’s in another in our series of conversations with our Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board. This week’s guest is Craig Ritchie, MD, PhD, CEO & Founder of Scottish Brain Sciences and a Professor at University of St. Andrews.

  • A new view of Alzheimer’s: Discover the distinction between what Dr. Ritchie calls Alzheimer’s disease vs Alzheimer’s dementia.
  • The invisible threat: Learn how Alzheimer’s can exist without noticeable symptoms, impacting younger individuals.
  • Shifting the research focus: Explore the importance of studying pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s for effective treatment.
  • Unleashing innovation: Gain insights into Dr. Ritchie’s optimism for StartUp Health’s Alzheimer’s Moonshot Community.

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re interested in the latest Alzheimer’s research.
  • You want to understand the different stages of Alzheimer’s.
  • You’re curious about the power of collaboration in tackling Alzheimer’s.

Want even more about Alzheimer’s disease innovation?

Join us as we redefine Alzheimer’s and ignite hope for a future free from dementia!

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Gates Ventures, Kristina Malzbender: Insider the Alzheimer's Moonshot Impact Board

Gates Ventures’ Kristina Malzbender Joins Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board

Hope on the Horizon: A New Era of Alzheimer’s Innovation

This episode of StartUp Health NOW dives deep into the fight against Alzheimer’s disease in the second in our series of conversations with our Alzheimer’s Moonshot Impact Board. Join us as we chat with Kristina Malzbender, the Associate Director, Health & Life Sciences, at Gates Ventures. Hear from this key leader about the concrete realities behind the optimism in Alzheimer’s innovation.

  • A century of relentless pursuit: Learn how the tide is turning after decades of dedicated research.
  • Early detection, slowed progression, and even potential cures: Explore exciting advancements in Alzheimer’s treatment.
  • Gates Ventures and the Diagnostic Accelerator (DxA): Find out how Gates Ventures and the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) are supporting companies and academic researchers developing novel biomarkers and diagnostics for Alzheimer’s.
  • Introducing StartUp Health’s Alzheimer’s Moonshot: Discover a powerful collaboration aimed at accelerating progress

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re passionate about Alzheimer’s disease.
  • You’re curious about the latest advancements in dementia research.
  • You want to learn how you can contribute to the fight against Alzheimer’s.

Want even more about Alzheimer’s disease innovation?

Join us as we ignite hope for the future of Alzheimer’s innovation!


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Inside the Health Moonshot Impact Board: A Conversation with Microsoft & the ADA on Global Health Innovation

This StartUp Health NOW episode features two key members of StartUp Health’s Health Moonshot Impact Board: Kimmi Grewal and Chuck Henderson.

Kimmi Grewal, Microsoft:

  • Learn how Microsoft helps startups scale globally, tackle security challenges, and leverage AI.
  • Discover how Kimmi’s experience informs StartUp Health’s approach to supporting early-stage healthcare ventures.

Chuck Henderson, American Diabetes Association:

  • Explore how Chuck’s leadership is shaping StartUp Health’s vision for tackling metabolic disorders.
  • Gain insights into the power of collaboration between established organizations and healthcare startups.

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re interested in healthcare innovation.
  • You’re curious about the role of collaboration in tackling health challenges.
  • You want to learn from inspiring leaders in the healthcare space.

Get ready to be inspired by the future of healthcare!

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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Inside the Health Moonshot Impact Board: A Conversation with Margaret Laws and Shirley Bergin

This week on StartUp Health NOW, we have again handed over the microphones to two members of our Health Moonshot Impact Board and having them interview each other.

At one end of the table we’ve got Margaret Laws, CEO & President of HopeLab, former Director of Innovations for the Underserved at CHCF, and Founder of the CHCF Health Innovation Fund, and at the other end of the interview table is Shirley Bergin, Senior Advisor at ARPA-H, Former CMO/COO of TEDMED, and Advisor to Ellipsis Health and Cure.

The goal of the conversation was simply to hear about the latest projects and passions of two of the most influential and interesting people in health innovation. In the interview, which took place in person at the Lake Nona Impact Forum in Florida, we cover a range of topics, from youth mental health, to the role of AI in diagnostics, to education to address global gaps in the healthcare workforce.

Margaret Laws and Shirley Bergin are thought leaders in health innovation, but they’re also deeply involved in directing funds towards promising programs, so it will be interesting to see how their curiosities and passions as played out here will lead to concrete moves in the future.

Enjoy the conversation.

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.
Passionate about Type 1 diabetes? Learn how you can get one of the last spots in our T1D Moonshot.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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Inside the Health Moonshot Impact Board: Esther Dyson & Roger Jansen Get Candid on Health Innovation

Welcome back to StartUp Health NOW!

We think it’s fair to say that when people think of StartUp Health, they think about entrepreneurs and founders. Over the last 12 or 13 years we’ve supported more than 500 health tech startups and nearly 1000 founders, many of whom have been featured on this show.

Perhaps less well known is what happens behind the scenes at StartUp Health. In this episode we pull back that curtain a little bit, particularly as it pertains to our Health Moonshot Impact Board. We’ve got this advisory team of about 17 amazing individuals across multiple disciplines. These are people like Dr. Toby Cosgrove, former head of the Cleveland Clinic; Chuck Henderson, the CEO of the American Diabetes Association; and Sue Siegel, former head of GE Ventures – just to name three. You can see the whole Health Moonshot Impact Board here on our website.

Recently, we brought together our Health Moonshot Impact Board in real life at the Lake Nona Impact Forum in Florida. Not only did the team get to learn from luminaries like Jeff Bezos, David Feinberg, and Peter Lee, but they got to go deeper on ideas with one another.

In the spirit of encouraging a more radically collaborative impact board, we decided to flip the script a bit and have members of our board interview one another for this podcast. The hope was that this would lead to some unexpected lines of questioning and some uniquely candid moments.

The first conversation in this series is between Esther Dyson, legendary angel investor and founder of Wellville, and Roger Jansen, PhD, the Chief Innovation & Digital Health Officer at Michigan State University Health Care. The conversation was just as wide-ranging and unstructured as we hoped it would be, and it touched on some incredibly powerful topics.

We hope you enjoy.

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.
Passionate about Type 1 diabetes? Learn how you can get one of the last spots in our T1D Moonshot.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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