Tag Archives: Access to care

#109: Access to Care Moonshots: Delivering Quality Care to the World

Melanie Evans, health reporter for the Wall Street Journal, moderates a lively Fireside Chat with Toby Cosgrove, MD, CEO & President, Cleveland Clinic; Steven J. Corwin, MD, CEO, NY-Presbyterian Hospital; and Jena Hausmann, CEO & President, Children’s Hospital Colorado, on ways in which hospitals and providers can provide quality care to everyone, regardless of income or vulnerability.

GUESTS: Dr. Toby Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Steven J. Corwin, NY-Presbyterian Hospital, Jena Hausmann, Children’s Hospital Colorado
HOST: Melanie Evans, Wall Street Journal
LOCATION: StartUp Health Festival, San Francisco, CA

#103: Delivering Smarter Patient Care Decisions with A.I. – Avinash Kodey, MDOps

In this week’s episode of StartUp Health NOW! MDOps Co-founder and CEO, Avinash Kodey, talks about his background in AI, workflow automation, and how MDOps is helping health care professionals deliver smarter patient care decisions without compromising efficiency.

GUEST:Avinash Kodey, MDOps
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: StartUp Health Studio, StartUp Health Village, New York, NY

A Snapshot of Avinash Kodey
Explaining Workflow Automation
MDops in the Field

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/7e28023460fd)

#100: Improving Doctor to Patient Communication – Eran Kabakov, Docola:

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW!, Health Transformer Eran Kabakov, Co-founder and CEO of Docola, discusses Docola’s mission, the StartUp Health Mindset, and his biggest challenges.

GUEST: Eran Kabakov, Docola
HOST: Steven Krein, StartUp Health
LOCATION: StartUp Health Studio, StartUp Health Village, New York, NY

How Docola Benefits the Healthcare Professional
Docola vs. Alternative Texting Apps
The Docola Team

Show Notes and Key Takeaways (Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/9b795c43c5ed)

#99: Advancing Oral Health With Teledentistry – Brant Herman, MouthWatch

Brant Herman, CEO and Founder of MouthWatch, talks about the company’s mission, what he has learned through the process of pivoting MouthWatch’s original business model and his vision of improving oral health care through teledentistry.

GUEST: Brant Herman, MouthWatch
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: StartUp Health Living Room, StartUp Health Village, New York, NY

The Mission of MouthWatch
Learning From the Pivot Process
TeleDent: Connecting Patients to Treatments Where They’re Needed

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/549638e5d564)

#98: Building a Global Solution for Mental Health Care: Ritvik Singh, PsyInnovations

Ritvik Singh, Co-founder and CEO of PsyInnovations, discusses the problems faced by India’s population in accessing mental health care and the role in which his newest app, wayForward, is working to overcome these challenges.

GUEST: Ritvik Singh, PsyInnovations
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: StartUp Health Living Room, StartUp Health Village, New York, NY

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Proven Therapy for Mental Health
The Leapfrog Effect of Healthcare Innovation in India
The wayForward App

Show Notes and Key Takeaways (Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/825041556f12)

#95: The Politics of Hospital Innovation – Ira Brind, Pulse Equity Partners

In this episode of StartUp Health NOW!, active investor and thought leader, Ira Brind, discusses how the politics of hospital innovation impact healthcare transformation, plus a few examples of facilities taking the risk and the value he sees in trusted peer networks.

GUEST: Ira Brind, Pulse Equity Partners
HOST: Steven Krein, StartUp Health
LOCATION: StartUp Health Festival, San Francisco, CA

Snapshot on Ira Brind
The Politics of Hospital Innovation in the Transformation of Healthcare
The Value of Trusted Peer Networks

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/d4d160ba901c)

#94: Cracking the Code on Mobile Brain Monitoring – Nathan Intrator, Neurosteer

Nathan Intrator, Professor of Computer Science and Founder of Neurosteer, talks about the progress his company has made in the development of new applications for brain monitoring, the impact home monitoring will have on patients and the general population, and Israel’s evolving digital health ecosystem.

GUEST: Nathan Intrator, Tel Aviv University & Neurosteer
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: Wearable Tech + Digital Health Conference, New York, NY

The Impact of Home Monitoring
Virtual and Augmented Reality As It Relates to Science and Technology
Israel’s Evolving Digital Health Ecosystem

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/cdc23459bf75)

#92: Small Data’s Impact in Transforming Our Lives – Deborah Estrin, Cornell Tech

Deborah Estrin, Professor of Computer Science and Director at the small data lab@CornellTech, chats about how “small data” — our digital patterns and interactions — can help physicians by creating a more meaningful representation of our personal health.

GUEST: Deborah Estrin, Cornell Tech
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: Wearable Tech + Digital Health Conference, New York, NY

Small Data in Healthcare
The Small Data Lab at Cornell Tech
The Impact of Innovation in Digital Health on People’s Lives

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/f59eb5703e9)

#89: On Becoming a Doctorpreneur, an Evolutionary Journey ­ Thomas Tsang, MD, Valera Health

Dr. Thomas Tsang, CEO and co­founder of Valera Health, talks about his life ­transforming work going from a practicing internist to writing legislation for the Affordable Care Act, his decision to become an entrepreneur and the camaraderie found as a Healthcare Transformer.

GUEST: Dr. Thomas Tsang, Valera Health

HOST: Steven Krein, StartUp Health

LOCATION: Wearable Tech + Digital Health Conference, New York, NY

● Writing Policy Legislation; A Life­Transforming Opportunity

● The Decision to Become an Entrepreneur

● Educating, Convincing and Selling: The Early Adopters

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/5b697104d72b)

#86: Pharma’s Digital Transformation – Bruno Villetelle & Nicole Mowad-Nassar, Takeda Pharma

Bruno Villetelle, Chief Digital Officer, and Nicole Mowad-Nassar, Vice President of Marketing at Takeda Pharmaceutical, discuss their embarkation on a digital transformation journey; how commercial innovation is bridging the gap between industry, providers, academia and patients to coordinate care; and how large companies evolve as a result of the wave of innovation that’s coming into the market.

GUEST: Bruno Villetelle and Nicole Mowad-Nassar, Takeda Pharmaceutical
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: Wearable Tech + Digital Health Conference, San Francisco, CA

Lessons Learned by Large Companies Working With Small Emerging Startups
Collaborating With Takeda: Advice to the Startup
Takeda in the Future

(Access the full transcript here: https://medium.com/p/25d841b9e9fe)