Tag Archives: Unity Stoakes

#56: Facilitating Behavior Change Globally – Pablo Pantaleoni, Medtep

Pablo Pantaleoni, CEO & Co-founder of Medtep, discusses how his company’s global strategy, core team and “no pilots” rule is creating a business to facilitate lasting behavioral change around the world.

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GUEST: Pablo Pantaleoni, Medtep
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Fall 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA

The Mission of Medtep
Medtep’s Global Strategy
Collaborations in a Maturing Market

#55: Technology to Improve Doctor-Patient Communication – Henry Kane, MedXCom

Henry Kane, President and CEO of MedXCom, discusses the challenges of doctor and patient communication and the company’s mission to transform and improve connectivity.

#53: Building a Great Business Model – David Weingard, Fit4D

David Weingard, CEO and founder of Fit4D discusses the world of diabetes innovation, focusing on a great business model, and lessons learned while raising your A‑round.

GUEST: David Weingard, Fit4D
HOST: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: WCG Offices – New York, NY

Fit4D: The Story
The World of Diabetes Innovation
Lessons Learned While Raising Your Series A

#52: Driving Consumer Health: Home Care & Diagnostics – Willem Houck, ClariFlow

StartUp Health NOW! #52: Driving Consumer Health: Home Care & Diagnostics – Willem Houck, ClariFlow

Willem Houck, CEO and Founder of IDx Ventures’ ClariFlow, talks about a major global problem affecting the male population — enlarged prostate — and the opportunities to affect behavior change in a positive way through private home screenings. He also discusses spotting innovative technology within large organizations and ways to leverage those solutions.

GUEST: Willem Houck, ClariFlow
HOST: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: WCG Offices – New York, NY

Consumer Driven Health Care and Home Diagnostics: Two Important Trends
The Genesis of ClariFlow
Finding an Internal Champion

#51: Announcing StartUp Health Finland – Eero Toivainen, Finpro

Team Finland Health and Finpro Program Director, Eero Toivainen, discusses the digital health landscape in Finland, why the country is a hotbed for health innovation and the exciting announcement of StartUp Health Finland!

GUEST: Eero Toivainen, Finpro
HOST: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Fall 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA

The Digital Health Landscape in Finland
StartUp Health Finland
Finland: A Hotbed for Health Innovation

#50: Technology + Kids to Improve Health – Margaret Laws, HopeLab, with Michelle Snyder, Welltok

Margaret Laws, President & CEO of HopeLab, discusses the ways HopeLab is using a big mission as their foundation to bring technology and kids together to improve health & wellness. Later in the episode, Michelle Snyder, Chief Marketing Officer of Welltok, joins to discuss the recent collaboration between the two companies.

GUEST: Margaret Laws, HopeLab, and Michelle Snyder, Welltok
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Health 2.0 Fall 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA

Bringing Technology and Kids Together to Improve Health and Wellness
Having a Big Mission as Your Foundation
Michelle Snyder on Welltok and Collaborating with HopeLab

#48: Fringe Technology Will Transform Healthcare – Indu Subaiya, Health 2.0

Health 2.0 Co-chairman and CEO Indu Subaiya discusses the next phase of health innovation and why we have to keep looking at fringe technology to transform healthcare.

#47: The Tech Platform Doctors Are Flocking To – Andrei Zimiles, Doctor.com

Doctor.com Founder and CEO Andrei Zimiles discusses the disruption health care professionals are experiencing today and how technology is helping and challenging them at the same time.

GUEST: Andrei Zimiles, Doctor.com
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: WCG Offices – New York, NY

Mission of Doctor.com
Open vs Closed Platforms & The SaaS Model
Branding: Power in a Name

#43: Transforming How People Experience Health – Dr. Douglas Wood, Mayo Clinic

“Always Be There for Me” – a tagline from Dr. Douglas Wood and his team at the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation. Dr. Wood discusses how his strategy behind innovating to help patients better make decisions about their health and what the future looks like for health innovation.

GUEST: Douglas Wood, MD, Mayo Clinic
HOST: Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health
LOCATION: Wearable Tech + Digital Health Conference 2015, New York, NY

Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
Focusing on the “health” part of “healthcare”
Future of Innovation

#42: Wearable Electronics – Roozbeh Ghaffari, MC10

Is the healthcare industry really ready for wearables? Roozbeh Ghaffari, Co-Founder & VP of Technology at MC10 discusses wearable electronics, explains how they have (and have not) been accepted by the healthcare industry and shares his thoughts on what the future looks like for universal integration of wearables.

GUEST: Roozbeh Ghaffari, MC10
HOST: Unity Stoakes
LOCATION: Wearable Tech + Digital Health Conference 2015, New York, NY

Roozbeh’s Road to Entreprenuership & MC10
Wearable Electronics
The Future of Wearables