Tag Archives: Masterclass

Navigating the Longevity Economy: An AgeTech Masterclass with Mary Furlong

Navigating the Longevity Economy: An AgeTech Masterclass with Mary Furlong

The heart of AgeTech, according to Mary Furlong: “Baby Boomers want a vision of the future, not a memory of the past.”

In this week’s StartUp Health NOW podcast episode, we dive into the booming longevity market with Mary Furlong, a legendary figure in AgeTech (senior innovation). In this excerpt from a Masterclass held for members of the StartUp Health community, Furlong shares her practical wisdom gained from more than 30 years in the industry, raising over $300 million for senior-focused businesses.

In this action-packed Masterclass, you’ll learn:

  • Creative, holistic, and practical go-to-market strategies for the longevity market.
  • How to identify real senior needs – sometimes it starts with a simple happy hour!
  • Proven tips for building socially conscious businesses that serve this rapidly growing population.

Mary Furlong is a leading authority on the longevity market. As the President and CEO of Mary Furlong & Associates (MFA), she’s a champion for companies creating products and services that empower older adults. She was named one of the top 100 women in Silicon Valley and received the first-ever lifetime achievement award from Aging 2.0.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best! This is an actionable and inspiring masterclass excerpt – take notes and get ready to take your longevity business to the next level.

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease?
Learn how you can join our Alzheimer’s Moonshot.

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Harry Leider & Steven Krein podcast

From Biotech to Walgreens: Lessons From 25 Years as a Physician Executive

This episode of StartUp Health NOW features a special guest host, Steven Krein, CEO & Co-founder of StartUp Health. Earlier this week, Steve led a  Masterclass with Harry Leider, MD, a seasoned healthcare executive with more than 25 years of experience.

Dr. Leider offers invaluable insights for entrepreneurs, sharing his expertise across various sectors – from biotech to the world of retail pharmacy giants like Walgreens. Get ready for tactical advice on understanding your customers, launching minimum viable products (MVPs), navigating lengthy sales cycles, and much more, in this Q&A with real questions from founders in the StartUp Health community.

This episode is packed with wisdom for anyone building a business in the healthcare industry. Tune in and learn from Dr. Leider’s extensive experience.

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease?
 Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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StartUp Health Masterclass with Lee Shapiro: How Founders Should Navigate Fundraising in 2024

On today’s StartUp Health NOW episode we’re bringing you an excerpt from a recent StartUp Health Masterclass featuring Lee Shapiro, the managing partner at 7wireVentures.

Very few people, if any, have the experience and market understanding that Lee Shapiro has. As we’ll get into in the conversation, he’s been an investor as well as an operator, guiding Allscripts and then Livongo. More than that industry expertise, however, we appreciate Lee’s ability to put work and life in perspective. He’s become a real sage, and in this Masterclass he shares wisdom on how to thrive and grow even when the markets are constrained.

The Masterclass was held in front of a live virtual audience of around 40 founders from the StartUp Health community. Towards the end of the class we opened up the line for questions, so you’ll get to hear Lee’s practical feedback to founders working in the trenches.

This session was so rich with insights and takeaways that we turned it into a video and a blog post as well. The video breaks down Lee’s 21 top insights from the session, so if you want to skim through those, head over to StartUp Health TV on YouTube.

Enjoy the Masterclass.

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our new Alzheimer’s Moonshot.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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Collaborative Innovation Within Health Systems: Wisdom From an EVP & Chief Digital Officer

At StartUp Health, we get the pleasure of talking with many, many founders of healthcare startups. It’s a perk of the job, because each founder, each new idea, inspires us and gives us hope that we’re on the cusp of some major breakthroughs.

Then reality sets in, and we’re reminded just how hard it is to go from an idea – even a brilliant one with validation – to commercialization and broad use. It’s one thing for a founder to find a single clinic to use their platform or device, but a common question is: How do you get your startup adopted at a large hospital, or better yet, a hospital system? Do you just call up the Chief Digital Officer, or Chief Innovation Officer, and they’ll get it sorted?

Not exactly, according to our guest today. For one thing, the role of hospital’s Chief Digital Officer has changed dramatically.

Sara Vaezy is Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Digital Officer for Providence, where she is responsible for system strategy and digital innovation for the integrated delivery network (IDN), which includes 52 hospitals and 1,085 clinics and serves over 5 million unique patients.

So, how can a startup work with a hospital system effectively? What do hospitals look for in a startup and what are some of the red flags for a project that’s going nowhere? And what are the greatest pain points for which hospitals are actively seeking solutions?

To answer these questions, we invited Vaezy onto a Masterclass, which are virtual sessions we hold in front of a live audience of founders from the StartUp Health community. We’ve cut the session down to share the highlights with you, and we’ve included some of the founder questions from the Q&A as well, since they are very practical and relevant.

Let’s dive in!

Innovating in Alzheimer’s disease? Learn how you can join our Alzheimer’s Moonshot.
Passionate about Type 1 diabetes? Learn how you can join our T1D Moonshot.

Want more content like this? Sign up for StartUp Health Insider™ to get funding insights, news, and special updates delivered to your inbox.

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